Wednesday, February 18, 2015

'Where I'm From' poem- by Linda

Where I’m From Poem

I am from the tangelo trees,
from where the chives flourish.
I am from the dirt filled with delicate aromas
wafting around as I wander past.
I am from the sweetness of the feijoas,
from the citrusy buzz of lemons.
I am from the warmth of the pillows and blankets,
from the flames of the shining, blazing fire during the cold, icy winter.
I am from the heart of the house where the music plays,
with a soft, supple, heart warming tone.
I am from those who look and care for me,
for they are my mother, father, brothers and sisters.
I am from the family wherever the moon is full or new,
we honour our ancestors.
I am from a crispy crunch where fruit is first and last,
no matter what, always being the last bite.
I am from a heaven, a heaven full of delicious fragrances,
but also from the room of rules.
I am from memory lane, back when my mother owned a Fish n’ Chip shop,
from the smooth rocking by my mum, secretly dunking Mars bars in hot, sizzling, oil,
from where everyone is constantly working.
I am from the pan of wondrous, edible goodies,
from the window to the shiny, milky-white walls filled with memories .
I am from the the smooth words of;
“Listen to me or you will be in trouble”.
I am from an always-full room of bouncing excitement,
from the freshness of the crisp, icy, numbing air, every morning.  
I am from where the sun burns brightly and beautifully, with a burning sensation 
from when it rains, it rains tediously.
I am from the most loveliest place of all; my home.

By Linda (Room 13)                                                

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