Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Reading task: Interesting facts and questions re Te Tititi o Waitangi

We have been using the Treaty2U site for Reading. Students had to read for information (the 'interesting facts') and then ask interesting, higher-level questions about the Treaty. The following examples are from Rebecca:-

I.F. What the Maori and the British agreed to in the treaty is still unclear. 
Q: What did they actually agree on?

I.F. James Busby met William Hobson at the Bay of Islands and set off to fulfill their governments intentions. 
Q: What were their governments intentions?

I.F. Most chiefs signed the Maori text of the treaty. 
Q: Why didn’t they sign the English version as well?

I.F. The Maori text and the English version have many different parts to the treaty.
Q: Why didn’t they translate to exactly what the Maori text says?

I.F.   Most Maori chiefs signed the Maori text of the treaty and only thirty nine signed the English. 
Q: Why did so few chiefs sign the English version of the treaty?

I.F. William Hobson did not have every signature of each Maori leader. Some because they didn’t agree with the treaty and others didn’t get the chance because the treaty didn’t come to their region. 

Q: Why didn’t William Hobson go to every place that the Maori chiefs were at?

Here is a video of the Treaty we have watched in class

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