Thursday, June 2, 2016

The Incredible Human Machine- the heart

As part of our investigations into the "Incredible Human Machine", Room 13 students had to dissect hearts.  Although the squeamish were excused, after a briefing on expectations and appropriate ways of handling the hearts (one only in each group; gloves worn), the groups began by brainstorming and outlining what they already knew.
Then, the hearts were given out to each group.  They had to make close observations and record in detail what they saw and what the purpose was ie fat, creases caused by arteries, as well as size, shape and colour observations.
Next we made some incisions to reveal the interior of the heart.  Again, close observations were made.  The chambers, muscle thickness, fibres (part of the valve structure) and the 'creased' interior of the chambers were all revealed.   Enjoy this clip.....

1 comment:

  1. That wasn't a real heart right...Was It?
