Wednesday, June 29, 2016

HNI Year 8's spending the day at HNHS

Our close neighbours, Havelock North High School, have recognised the importance of having year 8 students better prepared for their entry into higher schooling.  Today, our year 8 classes were invited to spend class time in four typical subject areas at HNHS.  For Room 13 students, this was English, Social Sciences, Maths and Science.
Firstly, our students were welcomed by Mr Fenton and senior student leaders before they were whisked away, leaving us HNI teachers to make our way slowly back to class to prepare for planning meetings- no lazy day for us, oh no!
On their return to class this afternoon the students were bubbling and enthusiatic about the day and high school life.  Some even went so far as to say they enjoyed maths- at last!


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