Monday, May 9, 2016

Writing to Inform

This term our writing focus is to inform or persuade.  We are using Sheena Cameron's 'Hamburger' model to understand the steps necessary for effective writing.  The analogy :
  • the top bun represents the introduction, the 'first bite' of the topic
  • the 'fillings' represent the new ideas linked to the main topic, and their elaboration.
  • the more fillings there are the greater the number of ideas are being presented to the reader
  • the bottom bun is the summary or conclusion, and should restate the most important ideas.  

Our informative writing will be about 'The Human Machine'- looking forward to some great posts.  Here is an early example from Kat, with a definition, learning intention and success criteria.

Informative writing

Analogy - A hamburger has two tasty buns either side of the ingredients. Informative writing is similar - the buns are the introduction and summary, and the ingredients are the facts  or evidence and their supporting details in your writing.

WALT: write informatively on a given subject and provide supporting details.

  1. Have a clear introduction and summary
  2. Use time-related words to link and sequence ideas
  3. Use specific detail to support explanation.

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