Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Decimal place value- today's target group lesson

The target maths group was learning about decimal place value and how to represent various numbers in place value houses. Their focus over the next week is:
Learning Intention:  To understand decimal place value and the order of numbers
Success Criteria

  • read and write decimals accurately, moving between the written, spoken, and symbolic form of decimals.
  • understand the role of the decimal point and the relationship among tenths, hundredths, and thousandths.
  • complete and explain grids to form a picture of a decimal value.
  • compare and order decimals and use this skill to solve basic word problems.
The picture shows 3.5, where first they had to correctly place the digits in their place value houses. Then they worked out each 1/10th had to be represented by a single place value block because of the 0.5 part of the number. They worked out there were 10/10ths in one whole, so each whole (or unit) had 10 blocks. They formed three groups of 10 (3 x 10/10ths or 1 whole) and there were 5 blocks (5/10ths or 0.5) remaining to add- 35 blocks in total. Well done group!

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