Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Observational writing- Rebecca (a little bit melodramatic, maybe?)

Observational Writing
The Heart
Become keen observers of your world!  You should learn to see things not in isolation, but in relation to other things. How do things affect each other? How are they connected? This piece of writing requires you to use your senses – seeing, touching, smelling, to write an accurate description of a prescribed object (that means it is chosen for you).

Assessment Criteria:  
You are to write an accurate description of an object based on careful observation.
Success criteria:
  • you note the colour, texture, and shape of the object
  • you use adjectives to describe these features in greater detail
  • you have a clear order in your finished writing- an introduction, the more detailed information, and a conclusion

General description:
Size- The size of a grown mans clenched hand
Shape-  There is no particular shape of the object. It is blob like. It is like a oval gone wrong. A lumpy egg
Colour-  It is a very pale pink with splashes of light brown and patches of dark red blood sitting on the edges.
Texture- It is slimey. It looks almost rubber like. Shiny, it looks almost wet. It looks rotten.
Smell- It smells like old gone off ham

Detailed description:
What’s it like inside?-  gooey, slimy, soft, smooth, hard, tough, fat was like bone, bloody,
The oval gone wrong shaped heart lay as dead as a statue on the blue table. It would be the size of a fully grown clenched fist. At first look you would think it was wet. But it isn’t. A slimy substance wrapped around it like an outer shell. It’s blood vessels poked out of it. The hard lumps of fat blanketed the object. It’s pale pink skin had splashes of rotten brown and dots of blood covering it almost completely.

Blood drops sat on the outer edges of the heart but as you opened it up it was like a dried river of blood was sitting inside. Tree branch-like muscles hid beneath the fat and blood. If you stuck your finger through the aorta you would be able to find the end of it if you kept trying and cutting through. Blood splashes covered your fingers as you keep on cutting deeper.

If you get close enough the smell of rotten meat will fill your nose, staying in there until you move back.

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