Wednesday, September 23, 2015

My 'Lost Thing' story- Cassia

For writing Room 13 watched “The Lost Thing” movie (based on the picture book by Shaun Tan). Mr Birnie gave us a task to make up our own Lost Thing story. This is my story.... 
The lost thing
Let’s just face it, i’m lost. Nobody wants me. I just get ignored like i'm nothing. Humans just walk past me as if i'm invisible. I feel like I don’t belong here in this city.

I start to cry. A little girl picks me up. She pats my head and says, “it’s okay you will be alright”. I ask her what her name is but I don’t think she understands my language. We are playing ball now, it’s really fun. We spend hours playing but then it starts to get dark and she leaves me.

I felt so lonely once she left. A garbage truck drove by and a piece of paper glided out and stuck to my face. I peel it off and start to read it. It says ‘walk to the left’ and has an arrow that points that way. I decide to walk to the left because I have nothing better to do. I walk through the night.

In the morning I come up to a huge building. and the arrow points to a door. I knock politely because I don’t know what’s going to happen. A little colourful mechanical mouse peeps his head out. He goes back in. I start to walk away, but then I hear loud clicks. I look behind myself.
The door opens and all I see are lost things just like me. I walk in. All the lost things are playing and having fun. All of a sudden I feel like I belong.

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