Friday, May 15, 2015

Explanation Writing- Rainbows

Planning: Rainbows:
  • Form up of different colours (what are these colours, and how?)
  • Mix of sun and rain
  • Beams separate colours (light waves)
  • White Light
  • Prisms and raindrops

Every once and a while you’ll look up into the sky and see a half circle of different colours. This is called a rainbow. Here today you will learn what a rainbow is, what white light is and how the rainbow is created.

What is a rainbow? A rainbow is made up of seven different colours. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. When all these colours are combined they produce white light.

What is white light? When sunlight shines through a window you don’t see a rainbow. You may say you don’t see any colour but actually it’s just white light. That white light is made up of all the seven different colours of the rainbow.

How is the rainbow created? The sun produces different sized beams. Because white light is made up of the seven different colours when the sun rays pass through a raindrop which acts as a prism that’s when we see the rainbow because raindrops and prisms separate the white light.

In conclusion, a rainbow is made up of seven different colours. White light is the sun beams made up of the seven different colours of the rainbow. Also we see rainbow’s because when white light is mixed with a prism or a raindrop the white light splits into it’s seven different colours.


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