Friday, May 15, 2015

DogoNews reading activities- Sahmara's Dead Sea article

Reading- Sahmara's reading from DogoNews:  Giant Sinkholes along the Shore of the Dead Sea Cause Concern

  1. Where is the Dead Sea and why is unique?
The dead sea is in between Israel Jordan and it is really unique because of its salty waters.
    2.  Why does it attract so many visitors?  
Because of the massaging mud and the relaxing water where it is easy to float (because of the saltiness (salinity) of the water).                                                                                                            
    3.  What is causing so many sinkholes to form around the Dead Sea?
The buried minerals are touched the fresh water and that causes them to dissolve.  
    4.  What is one possible solution to prevent the Dead Sea disappearing all together?
Make it illegal to take water, salt and minerals (What is the water being used for?  The text states it is the water from the River Jordan being diverted for drinking and agriculture that is lessening the amount of water entering the Dead Sea).
    6.  Why are environmentalists concerned?
Because the Dead Sea is shrinking fast and one day it might be all gone.

Read the article here: Giant Sinkholes Along The Shores Of Dead Sea Cause Concern

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