Wednesday, June 4, 2014

summarising strategies- "The chicken-leg effect", by Ellie

In reading we have been learning to search for key words in the text to give us a better understanding about what the text is explaining and to help us summarise.

Key Word Hunt
Write notes in the boxes about things you think are important in the text eg details, what’s in the pictures if any, and possible key words.
Gravity pulls the blood from your legs down.
Your heart rate gets faster when you move your body around.
your blood goes red when exposed to oxygen.
when you lay down  your blood goes to your chest making your legs shorter.
your body has 5 litres of blood in it
I think the key words and phrases are: blood , gravity,oxygen, heart rate, legs, body.

Use the key words and phrases to write a brief summary:

When you lay down your blood travels from your legs to your chest making your legs shorter and this is called The Chicken Leg Effect .

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