Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Planning an explanation--Emily

Title: Respiratory System

Brainstorming ideas:  Think of as many things you can about your topic then link these together-

Organs- lungs, heart, breathing, oxygen, gasses, nose, mouth, throat, blood

Introduction: Have you ever wondered how your respiratory system works and what it does? This is an explanation on how the respiratory system works and what it does.

Topic sentence:
Our respiratory system (oxygen delivery system) is to supply the blood with oxygen so that the blood can deliver oxygen to all of our body parts. The respiratory system does this from us breathing. We inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. This exchange of gases is the respiratory systems way of getting oxygen into the blood.

Topic sentence:
Oxygen enters the respiratory system through the nose and the mouth. The oxygen then passes through the larynx (where speech and sound comes from) and then the trachea which is a tube that runs into the chest cavity.

Topic sentence:

In the chest cavity the trachea splits into two smaller tubes that are called the bronchi. Each bronchus then divides again forming the bronchial tubes. The bronchial tubes lead directly into the lungs where they divide into many smaller tubes which connect to tiny sacs called alveoli.

Conclusion or summary:

The respiratory system primary function is to deliver oxygen to the blood and to get rid of carbon dioxide which is a harmful waste product.

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