Friday, May 23, 2014

Megan's explanation writing of the human skeleton

The Human skeletal system is one of the most important systems in the body. If we didn’t have a skeleton we would be floppy and wouldn’t be able to move.  
Joints are very important in the skeletal system because they help us to move around and also supports us. There are different types of joints like the ball and socket, hinge, saddle and the gliding joint. Joints aren't the only thing that help us to move- other things like tendons and ligaments also help. Tendons connect our muscles to our bones and ligaments connect bones to other bones.

Bones support our body and keep us standing up straight. There are five different types of bones in the skeletal system. They are the flat bone, short bone, long bone,  irregular bone and the sesamoid bone.  Bones support us and help carry our weight they are also able to absorb shock so when we run they are able to take the weight of our body. Bones are able to absorb shock because

Your skeleton also helps to protect your body. Your skull, rib cage and pelvis are the main bones that help to protect your body. Your skull protects your brain and everything inside of your head. Your rib cage helps to protect your heart and lungs. Your pelvis protects your bladder, rectum and uterus.

Marrow is inside of your bones. It can regenerate blood cells. The blood cells are then carried by the arteries and veins to and from the heart. The veins take the blood back to the heart to be made better and the arteries take it away from the heart to all of the other places in the body.

So now you know that the skeletal system is very important in our body and if we didn’t have one all we would be is a big blob on the floor.


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