Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Manreet's explanation writing: The Human Skeleton

The Human Skeleton:

The human skeleton is one of the most important parts of your body. It supports, and protects us, it also lets us move, and the bones in your skeleton make blood cells.

The parts of the skeleton that allow you to move are called joints. There are different types of joints such as the ball and socket, pivot joint, saddle joint, hinge joint and gliding joint. These are the main joints in our bodies but there are other joints that help us move around as well.

Bones are alive and are the structure or framework of your body. Without your bones or skeleton you would just be a lump of skin on the ground and would not be able to move. The inside of your bone has looks a bit like this: inside of bone. The blood marrow is a flexible tissue the is in the middle of the bone, and the red blood cells in our body are produced by bone marrow. The spongy bone is one of the two types of calcium tissue that make up bones in the your body. Spongy bone is lighter, softer, and weaker than the normal bone. The spongy bone is found on the inside of a bone and it is surrounded by a stronger, more protective bone called the compact bone.

Our skeleton protects our organs. Different parts of our skeleton protect different organs like the skull protects the brain, and the ribs protect the heart and lungs. The backbone contains spinal fluid which acts as a shock absorber to cushion the back during falls.

Without our skeleton we would just be a lump of on the ground and wouldn't be able to move or walk. Our skeleton is the framework of our body.

1 comment:

  1. Good work Manreet, I like the way you have used paragraphs to structure your explanation writing about bones. I like that you included a diagram of the inside of bone.
