Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Art: tile carving and screen-printing

We have been trying out tile carving in class.  First, we draw a design we like on paper (if it has words we need to write these backwards) and then use this to make an impression on the tile.

The lines are drawn in using a Vivid and this gives us a clear line to follow (and avoid with the carving chisel). We want to leave the line raised above the rest of the tile, by carving out everything else, so when we print the lines will make an impression on the paper.

Next, we place the tile on a carving board so we can safely carve the design as shown here by Jake and Hayden.

.Here are some photos of printed work.  We discovered more material had to be removed from the tile to ensure a 'clean' backround without paint streaks.


  1. Very cool prints room 13 ... Well done :-)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. was the mini-stock one Connors or the Holden one his?

  4. was the mini-stock one Connors or the Holden one his?
