Friday, May 15, 2015

Reading- Making Connections and Questioning strategies

Edward's questioning of a text- 'High Flyers (sic)', about NZ's own Richard Pearse
School journal part 4 number 3 2003

Making Connections(with the text, with the wider world (TV, News, reading)
  • Richard Pearse was not the first person to fly a plane
  • I have watched fair go ad awards
  • Richard Pearse could not turn his plane when he made his first plane
  • TVNZ Studios- I have seen before
  • I Know that Richard Pearse Crashed his plane when he was flying
  • Richard Pearse was one of the pioneers making the planes
  • people believed that it was Richard Pearse who flyed first.  
  • Richard Pearse was a quiet inventor
  • Richard Pearse was a farmer
  • Richard Pearse made several planes


  • Where did they make the parts?
  • How did the community know that they were making the model?
  • How long has the ad competition been around ?
  • Was all the classes from year 6,7 & 8 helping to make it?
  • Why did they choose Richard Pearse ?(Book Cover)
  • What materials did they use ?(Book Cover)
  • What motivated the classes and school to enter the Fair Go Ad Awards?
  • What made them win the Fair Go Ad Awards and why?
  • How heavy was the plane?
  • Where did he get his engine?  
  • Where was the engine placed? It was put at the front of the plane on top   
  • What motivated Richard Pearse to build his plane?
  • Why did Richard Pearse keep quiet about his invention?
  • Could Richard Pearse have waited to finish his plane?
  • Was Richard pearse building fast when everyone started to make planes?
  • Why did richard pearse put the propeller on the top of the plane?
  • What type of wheels did Richard Pearse’s plane have?
  • did the kids in the ad actually fly in the plane?
  • Did he have a timetable for when he would make the plane?
  • Did he have a job or any social life?
  • what held Richard's plane together?       

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