Wednesday, June 18, 2014

This is Megan's recount of when we dissected lamb hearts in week 5 as part of 'The Human Machine'- an excellent piece of writing. It is correctly sequenced, informative and interesting. Super work Megan.


Tubes, Fat, muscle, blood, tissue, vessels, size of a fist, red & pink, firm, slimy, tendons, thick.

Why is it that shape?
Why is it that color?
Why are the tubes different sizes?
Why is the muscle so thick?
Why does the heart have tendons inside of it?

Time line:
First we talked about the heart and the arteries that came out of the top of it.
Then we got a heart to look at.- Ask questions
Then we got to play with heart-See what it felt like
After that we got to cut into it.-With scissors
We got to see inside of it.-Little tendons
Then we had to pack up and sterilize the scissors.

On Tuesday for inquiry Mr Birnie brought lambs hearts into the class because we were doing dissections for our inquiry topic the human body.

First we had to lay out newspaper on the desks so that we didn’t get blood on them. Before we got a heart we talked about it and the arteries that came out of the top of it. They were big because lots of blood comes through them. When we went back to our desks we had to get out some paper to write down our observations.

Then we got the hearts to look at up close. We were also allowed to feel inside of them and inside of the artery tubes. The artery tubes were slimy and when you put your fingers down two of them they couldn't touch. You could feel right through to the inside of the heart and it was really cold because they had been frozen. You could also feel little stringy things that were kind of like spider webs but they were very strong and you couldn't break through them.

We got to play with the heart for a bit and then we got  to cut it open which was the really fun part. We had to cut it with our scissors because we didn't have any proper knives. We had to cut down the middle of it to open it up flat on our desks. When we had cut it open we got to see inside of it. There was lots of little tendons in it. Which were the things that felt like tiny spider webs.

We didn't get to do much else after that because we had to pack up before the bell rung. We had to take off of our gloves and put them in the bin and we had to take the paper off of our desks and put that in the bin. Then we had to put the scissors in a jug of water and disinfectant to sterilize them so that we could still use them for other stuff.

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