Thursday, July 28, 2016

A selection of 50-word quick wrtites.

It was three am. The boy always spent three am like this, eyes open staring at the screen of his phone, his mind flooded with thoughts. His brain just couldn't stop thinking. His attention drifted away from the screen and  into the inky blackness. Numb, sunken eyes staring into emptiness.

Why are things called what they are? Is there a specific reason that whoever discovered them gave them that name or was it just quick thinking because they were focused on something else, like Frog as an example, does the word frog have a meaning or was it just random?   Joshua

Hi I am an ordinary person but people see me as a different person because they scream and run away from me when I'm around and yes I know that I'm green and that I have arms that are tentacles and three eyes, but no- one has to run away.     Anna

As soon as I woke up I spotted him out the window eating grass he was huge. I moved to the cabinet, unlocked it, grabbed the gun and ran up to the hut above my house.  Slowly and quietly I loaded a bullet, then looked through my scope and shot.     Cooper

My legs ache as my pedals begin to get harder to turn. My wheels roll over the top of the hill and I begin to speed up as I descend the slope. My bike flows down the smooth dirt trail, gaining even more speed than I did before.     Jack

I’m not feeling the same as I usually do about this race. I usually feel that I can win it, but it’s the Olympic Games so I don’t want to get my hopes up. I stretch for the finish but then I face plant and another runner takes the glory.    Jordan

The sound of birds chirping flows through the air, the smell of pine trees surround me. The fire keeps us warm on this cold winter's night. The moon's light beams down on the pathway. It’s quiet, no-one's speaking, everyone’s acting so suspicious.  I wonder if they’re keeping something from me?   Kat

The hamburger dripped greasily down my arm seeping into the sleeve of my new jacket. I put it on the plate, wiping my hands on the napkin in front of me. I throw it in the bin as I walk out and start driving away. Tyres screech, I scream. Silence.    Lola

Finally my favourite season has come, spring, the flowers are blooming and baby animals are all around. I hear birds singing their wonderful songs, and I see baby bunnies coming out of hibernation for the end of winter, I see a cat walk out of a house with her kittens.      Mikayla

¨Can’t wait any longer¨ I said to mum and she said ¨You don’t have to, we are getting it today.¨
I couldn’t wait. When we got to the shelter I had the biggest smile as I walked in, and hearing all the noise made me even more excited.     Natalya

At the Olympic Games I stand at the edge of the steep snowy hill. I clip my boots into my snowboard and put my goggles on. 3,  2,  1, adrenaline kicks  in as I speed down the  snow- covered hill. I get closer to the ramp  then my shoe unclips…        Olly

My fingers clutch the steering wheel as I speed around the second to last corner. Number 6 is coming right after me as we go into the straight. We are now battling to the corner he goes way past me, he spins out I pass him and the finish line.     Sam

I love rocks because they are round and you can get millions of different types of rocks.  Sometimes I wish that they could become real so that I can have a pet rock. but I don't care I use my imagination and they become real in my own fantasy world.       Sahjae

“Any progress on the kidnapping case?” the captain asked.
“No sir.  We can’t proceed until we have a consultation with Detective  Samara Thorpe .”
“Why do you need her help? She’s been retired for years.”
“The ransom note is written in cursive, and nobody on the task force can read it.”     Samara
Deep in the county there was a town called Beaverville. No one knew anything about it.  Beaverville was a  sad little village. There was a beach on the river and a boardwalk. Far along on the boardwalk there was a small, unkempt boy, sitting, looking out to sea, smiling big.     Serah

I opened my crusty, sleepy eyes to hear the pilot on the speaker say “We have arrived at our destination, London.”
Suddenly I feel a strike of excitement inside of me. I was 5 minutes away from starting a new chapter in my life, it’s all going to happen now.      Sophie

When we landed on the black airstrip and got out of the old exhausted plane on the fresh and cool autumn morning, we walked across the tarmac into the full and muggy airport to collect our bags, wanting to get out of that humid, stuffy place and just go home!       Summer

As I stumbled through the dark gloomy hallway that leads to the kitchen- bang, crash- loud, rumbling sounds echo from the attic. Quickly, I react to this and scamper back down the hallway to get safely to my bedroom. As I leap into my bed I rush under the covers.     Yana

Today is my 11th birthday. My mother promised me that I could get a journal to write cool stories.  Writing is my favourite hobby… well it's my only hobby. I don't play sports or even play an instrument! I just sit under an oak tree and write all day long.          Zoe

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