Thursday, August 7, 2014

Paper Crane animation- Sadako and the Thousand Cranes

On Wednesday to mark an historic, change-making event in history we listened to the story of Sadako Sasaki.  She was born in Hiroshima two years before the atomic bomb was dropped on her city on 6th August, 1945, in an attempt by the Americans to end the war.  Although she and her family survived without any apparent injury, 12 years later she developed leukemia from the bomb's radiation.  She began making paper cranes, hoping to fold 1000 of these and get her wish - to be healthy again - granted.  She made 644 before dying.  Her classmates then made the rest. There is a statue of Sadako in the Hiroshima Peace Park and every year on August 6th, she and all the other victims are remembered.

1 comment:

  1. Room 11 your installation art inspired by Sadako is amazing - has it changed much since I last saw it? I need to pop in and see :-)
