Izzac- My name is a biblical name, it also stands for laughter.
Sea\river - The beach that really reminds me of home is the one in Coromandel because we go up there every year for a family holiday and I love going up and down the beach finding awesome shells and rocks/crystals.
Mountain- My mountain is the kaweka’s (forest) because I used to live pretty close to them and we go hunting there all the time. There are also natural hot springs up there. I remember sitting there at night looking out to the Mohaka and watching the shooting stars go pass.
Waka- My family has lived in New Zealand for many generations.
Izzac- Ko te ingoa te Bibilia Izzac toku ingoa, tu hoki i te reira no te kata.
Sea \ awa- Ko te tātahi e tino fakamanatu ki ahau o te whare ko te kotahi i roto i Moehau no te mea e haere tatou i runga i reira nga tau mo te hararei whānau me te aroha e ahau e haere ana, ka heke iho i te one te rapu anga whakamataku me toka / tioata.
Mountain- toku maunga ko o te kaeaea (ngahere) no te mea e whakamahia ana e ahau ki te ora tata tino ki a ratou, ka haere tatou i whaia i reira i te wa katoa. I reira he ano hoki etahi puna wera taiao ake ki reira mahara ahau e noho ana i reira i te po titiro i roto ki te Mohaka me te te mātakitaki i te whetu shooting haere haere.
Waka- Kua ora ai a Wakataku whānau i roto i Aotearoa mō ngā whakatupuranga maha.