Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Social Dance practice

Here's T.K. at their first social dance practice for 2015, taken by Mr Fullwood.  Great to have everyone joining in and showing off their signature moves and styles!

Friday, August 21, 2015

'Faceplant' rockband, featuring Lochlin (vocalist and lead guitar) and Max (on bass) from Room 13

Unfortunately this clip is cut short due to storage limitations on the ipad.  However, it's a great taster of a truly talented group of musicians, two of whom, Lochlin and Max, are Room 13 students.  At the recent Bandquest 'Faceplant' were second overall, with Ben (on rhythm guitar) winning Rock Star Styles, and Lochlin being awarded the Killer Guitarist and the Musicianship awards.  This group has worked really hard over the last term and a half and are all (except for Ben) in Te Kanawa House.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Inter-House Cross-country

On a cold, overcast day the students of HNI took on the annual cross-country, and it was very pleasing to see the students competing so enthusiastically in this challenge.  Obviously some pride was at stake and this was most noticeable when the year 8 boys set off.  Quick surges to the front were soon gobbled up be the more accomplished runners.  After 9m14s the first boy crossed the line- full credit to Will from Nepia House, but close behind was Room 13's own Max, bettering his pre-race expectations to run in second.  Edward was 5th- another great run. So, two Room 13 boys in the first five places- outstanding!
The girls race followed shortly after and again it was great to see such enthusiasm.  The field ended up being quite spread out, especially among the quicker girls, and Rebecca was the first Room 13 girl back in 12th place and Chloe B and Eva coming in the top 20.
A super afternoon and appropriate finale to the hours spent running and recording our efforts.
The stampede starts- pride is on the line!

Max storming home in 2nd

Time to take it easy.

Go girls- Hannah beat the gun!

Chloe B and Eva doing TK proud

Sophie running right to the rope.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

70th anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki- informative writing

In class we have watched, read and reviewed items about the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945. An outcome has been to write news reports on these events as if we were there shortly after. Here are Courtney's and Lily P-B's:


Yesterday the 6th of August a new type of bomb was dropped from an american B-29 bomber, the ‘Enola Gay’ over the Japanese city of Hiroshima, leaving tens of thousands dead and almost everyone one else injured.

The President of the United States Harry S. Truman confirmed that there was only one bomb dropped on Hiroshima, also stating that it was an atomic bomb costing more than two billion dollars. Truman made it very clear that they were willing to destroy every productive enterprise the Japanese have in any city.

A survivor of the bomb mentioned as soon as the bomb was dropped the city was engulfed in flame. The fire burned almost everything to the ground, leaving the city covered in rubble and smelling terribly of burned skin and rotting bodies. A black rain fell later that day and shadows that have been left burnt into concrete. (Courtney)

Bombing Of Hiroshima Kills Thousands

On the 6 of August 1945 an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. This was dropped from an American Plane named Enola Gay, piloted by colonel Paul Tibbets. The Americans dropped the bomb because they wanted the Japanese to surrender.

The new type of bomb had more power than 20,000 tons of TNT. It completely wiped out Hiroshima, killing 70,000 people instantly, and left peoples shadows burnt on staircases and walls. After that, fires spread quickly which killed many more and leaving a terrible smell of burning fires and bodies.

The survivors were badly injured and burnt. Most of these survivors ended up with radiation sickness 10-20 days after it had happened. Not long after Hiroshima had been wiped out black rain started to appear,

Three days after the bomb hit Hiroshima the U.S decided to drop another one on Nagasaki, making the Japanese surrender which meant an end to World War II.
Lily P-B