Friday, November 28, 2014

Here are some examples of our myth writing. Enjoy...

            How the Seven Continents Drifted Apart- Ali Gray
There was once a King named Asin who ruled Asia, the biggest continent on the planet.  He had six sons. His eldest one was Arthur, the second and third eldest Nathan and Seamus followed by Antar, Euro and the youngest Austra. One day their Father wanted to talk to them. He called them into the garden.

”As you all know I rule the seven continents, but ever since your Mother passed away I can’t handle them on my own.  So I have decided that you have reached the age of maturity for them to be handed over to you.

“ I have given you the continent that starts with the first letter of your name. Arthur, I have given you Africa, the second largest after mine. Nathan will have North America and Seamus you will have South America. Antar will have Antarctica.  Euro, I have chosen for you Europe and, Austra, it’s my pleasure to give you Australasia the last continent. I’m very proud of all of you and I’m sure you will accomplish great things”.

The years passed by. One day the king went to all of the continents to see his sons but none of  them were there doing their duties.  Later that same day the King was handed a letter. He opened it quickly, hoping it was from one of his six sons. It was from someone with the initials ‘AE’ telling him that if he wanted his sons back. He was going to have to come and see him at the highest mountain near the underworld. Unknown to him AE, the king’s brother, had been busy planning his escape from the underworld to get his revenge on being sent there as a child.

The King travelled as fast as he could to this destination where, hopefully, he would find his sons were unharmed.

He travelled up the mountain and finally reached the top to see a big blue chair facing the opposite way. An icy voice broke the cold dead silence, “I have been waiting for your appearance ……”
“Asama?   Is that really you? Where are my sons? “
“Oh they are fine, just a little tied up “
The King looked up, shocked to see his sons hanging from a thin rope over a pool filled with bubbling lava. It took a moment for the king to wake up from his living nightmare.
“Why have you done this?” demanded the king. His voice was weak after what he had just looked upon.
“I did it because you have  something that belongs to me”
“I don’t know what your talking about”.
“ Fine, say bye bye to your sons, Asin “
Asama dropped Asin son’s into the pool of lava.
“Since you killed my son’s I have nothing that can make me more sad”  
Asama smiled with joy.  “That’s the only thing I wanted from you, to make you unhappy like you did my whole life. Now you see how it feels.  You have always been cruel to me and I took away the things that matters to you the most”.
Asama ran back to the underworld and was never seen again.

Asin never was the same after his sons died.  The only way Asin could be happy is if he let go of his sons and their continents. As the continents drifted apart Asin became more happy because he knew it was for the best. Till this day the continents are still apart from each other.

The Story of the Apple Tree- Georgia Thompson

A very long time ago a lonely planet circled its sun. It had water and plants but the Gods wouldn’t allow these to be eaten and the people were starving.

High above them lived Bob, the god of food. He wouldn't share any of his food with the humans.  But after all he had eaten his tummy couldn’t keep all the food in his stomach, and he needed to go the toilet so bad.  He went behind a cloud but something strange happened. A small apple seed dropped through the cloud and fell down to earth into the rich black soil.

Jeffery, who watered the plants everyday, saw the seed on the ground so he planted it and watched it grow.  As he watched the tiny seed became a big apple tree and as it sprouted it became covered in apples and leaves

Jeffrey couldn’t believe his eyes- the humans finally had food on their earth but they needed a way to get the apples off the tree because all the ladders were broken.

Then a man decided to sit under it to read his book.  Not long after an apple dropped on his head and became the first food for the humans to eat.  It was also the first time gravity appeared.

How people and creatures were made- By Emily Watt

It used to be when there was only dirt, mud, water and the sun. There were no people or living creatures. One day the sun had gone in and the dark gloomy clouds rose above the land and it began to rain. But this wasn’t any normal rain. This rain was tan coloured and the drops were as big as grape fruit,

The rain landed like blobs and stayed like that for a few days.  Later, the water started to grow. It grew higher and wider until it was many feet tall. Suddenly the top of the raindrops started forming into a face, the  middle started forming into a body and the bottom started forming into legs and feet.

Suddenly, the people opened their eyes and looked around. It was quiet. One of them said “What am I?” Everyone looked at him and replied “We don’t Know.” A bright light shone up above in the sky and it came closer and closer to the people.

It reached the ground and everyone was staring at it. It was another human, but this time it was a god- a god of the land. His name was Elaminy. He was tall and had a big, white, bushy beard and a huge smile on his face. Elaminy walked up to a small hill and looked over all of the people. He opened his mouth and Yelled out “I AM YOUR GOD. I WAS THE ONE WHO CREATED YOU. YOU ARE HUMANS AND YOU WILL MAKE MORE HUMANS TO GO ALL AROUND THE WORLD”

Everyone cheered and began to make houses out of the resources that they had. As God Elaminy looked across everyone, he smiled and thought to himself, ‘I’ve done it. I have created humans.’


How the grand canyon came to be - Peter Frankum

Many lives of man ago there was a god called Jonah. He was a huge god, over 2000 feet tall. His job was to landscape the earth and form it to make the hills and lakes. He walked from continent to continent using his power to make it cold or hot or tropical.  After many years of doing this though, he was tired and exhausted so he dropped off for a nap.

It was dark when Jonah woke.  Hearing noise from the west, he yelled “Who’s there?”
It went silent.  Then, out jumped a huge snake! It chased him over the continents.  Jonah became tired and sleepy but kept running. He looked behind to check if  the snake was still following him and tripped over what is known now as Lake Mead.  Face planting into the ground, ripping his skin from his face and scratching the bone from the outside of his eyeballs. he made a massive indent into the ground.  This is now called the grand canyon. Stunned, he lay there until the earth around him rose and made mountains before awaking.  He had major brain fractures and walked for miles, dragging his feet, before finding water. Walking into the ocean he fell to his knees before dying.
_________________________________________________________________________________    HOW THE FIRST RIVER WAS MADE - Megan Tait
Once there was a land with two enormous mountains, Ali and Autumn. They were madly in love and together they ruled the land. All of the humans looked up to them like they were gods.

They had been together for as long as anyone could remember until one day Ali’s stepmother Edna came to visit. She was very excited to visit Ali as she had not seen her in a long time. Ali invited her to stay with them as long as she wanted because they had a lot to catch up on. It was getting late so they all decided to go to sleep.

In the morning when Ali woke up she could hear someone crying. She looked around but couldn't see anyone but out of the corner of her eyes she caught a glimpse of her stepmothers shiny silver scarf. She went to see what was wrong. Edna explained everything to her, how her husband was leaving her and how she thought that she would never be happy again.

When Ali left Edna said to herself that if she couldn't be happy then no one could. She went back to where everyone was having lunch and while everyone was eating she couldn’t stop staring at Ali and Autumn because they were so happy, and she hated happy people.

That night when everyone was asleep Edna started working on a plan. She decided that she would seperate Ali and Autumn so that they couldn’t be happy anymore. She went over to Ali and started to pull on her arm. It was hard work and she didn’t get very far, but she kept pulling and eventually she got them far enough away from each other so that they couldn’t see each other anymore.

When they woke up they realised something was different.  Looking around they couldn’t see each other anymore. Autumn screamed and started to panic. What if something bad had happened to Ali?  Ali was really sad because she had been with Autumn for her whole life and she couldn’t even think about what it would be like to live without him.

She started to cry. She cried all day and all night. She cried for a month and then a year and over time all of her tears turned into stream and as she cried more and more the stream started to turn into a river that that flowed all the way to the coast and out to sea.  

She cried for centuries and when the people got sick of all the water that kept flooding their houses they went to Edna and begged her to put them back together. Edna was sick of the crying as well because it was stopping her from sleeping so that night she went back to Ali and pulled her backed to Autumn.

It was really quiet in the morning when everyone woke up. This was unusual for the villages so they looked around to see why, and then they saw Ali and Autumn back together and happy again.

How the Sun Came to Be - Brody Lucas

It was dark as always, and there sat Yi in a damp and gloomy cave. He was a fire breathing acid farting butterfly. He thought to himself, ‘What if there was a way that I could create a form of light, something that would provide me with light?’  Then came the big idea.  If this source of light was in the sky then everyone could enjoy it. He started to deliberate, and after a while he remembered  that he could breathe fire.

What Yi did next was remarkable.  He flew high into the sky and put all his might and power into breathing one huge ball of fire. Ferocious flames burst out of his mouth and rocketed right out of the earths atmosphere.  The ball went further and further, all the way into space, and then it stopped so Yi went back into his cave. Yi’s stomach hit the ground for a second when he noticed the bright ray of light dazzling through the cave’s holes. He stepped out and saw the rays of the fire ball glaring down onto him.

He stood staring at his creation, which he decided to call the sun. He named it this as it represented a bright future for the earth.

Without the legendary actions of Yi you would not be reading this story today, and it is safe to say that Yi will never be forgotten.   


    Why the sky is blue- Anna Young.

Many years ago a little girl was born. Blue was no ordinary child, because she had blue hair. She never liked to see people upset or sad so she would always try to put a smile on their faces. One day she was told by her mother that she had powers,as she was able to control the weather. She could also control other peoples feelings too.  
As she grew up people were mean to her so she became more and more sad, and that caused the weather to always be stormy and cold, until one day the town realised that the weather depended on her mood. Everyone decided to be nicer to her. She started to be happier and the days became warmer and sunnier. She loved her life and never wanted to lose what she had.
Then one day, she died. However, she died a very happy death. As her spirits rose up and out of her, the blueness of her hair went with her spirits. And even today if the sun is out, the sky will be blue but if Blue is upset, the sky will be grey and sometimes she will cry, and that means it will rain.

I hope you enjoyed these examples of the students' myth writing. There are many more and they will be published shortly.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

What some teachers get to do...!

Just in case no-one looks familiar, this is not my class, Room 10! I had the pleasure of leading a group of Year 7 students from my EOTC elective class to Sunrise Hut last week.  Although the day was fine we encountered snowfall on the way up to the hut and the last third of the tramp was through fresh snow.  The kids were great and for many this was their first experience of tramping, so having snow added to the occasion.