Friday, April 11, 2014

Ruma tekau banner presentation- Kotahitanga Week

For Kotahitanga week each class had to design a  banner, to be hung in the Hall
 through 2014.  Here, Grace and Hannah are presenting our banner to the school.  
They speak about the meaning of the design and how the various pieces of the jigsaw
 represent the joining together of all the different personalities in class.  Well done
 girls.   Also, a big thank you to Manreet whose design this is, and to the many pupils 
who  helped paint the banner in the week before camp.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

After camp we're back at school. It's Kotahitanga Week and the class is practising rakau stick games

The girls have mastered some of the basic moves and have decided to be more adventurous.  They're being patient and hoping E. gets more proficient in passing the rakau.

Jimmy getting into the swing of things.

Here are videos of the Magic (!) Carpet ride- dust and fun, what could be better?

Camp...again (and again).

The dusty but exhilerated Group 4 after their magic Carpet rides

Everyone had an opportunity to push their personal boundaries whether it was sliding down the 50m waterslide, grimly hanging on to the mat in the Magic Carpet ride, or abseiling off a 22m cliff.  There were many activities for everyone to experience- one thing was sure, everyone wanted to keep on going.  Many pupils wished the cliff was 50m high (but only when they had reached the bottom)!
This photo of Maddy and Emily gives some perspective to the height 
of the cliff- there's still 5m to go before the safety of the base is reached.

Camp!! We survived!

Nepia and te Kanawa Year 8 classes recently spent a week at Lakes Ranch camp just outside of Rotorua.  The bus was unuaually quiet on the journey north- could 'The Simpson's Movie' and 'Megamind' dvds have had anything to do with this or was there some pre-camp apprehension? The photos might provide an answer.

        Water-based activitiesfeatured quite heavily during the week- a mud run followed by thermal pools on Monday night was a great way to end the first day at camp.  Later on, the water slide, raft building, kayaking and various pool-based water activities proved 'interesting' and enjoyable!