Friday, March 21, 2014

Using the Actively Learn reading programme in class

We are using the Actively Learn website as part of our reading programme.  Room 10 pupils link into the site through their class 'portal', and then read a selected text.  To read on they must answer questions as they appear and these are later graded by myself.  There will usually be a relevant video at the end of the reading.

Our first task was the Maori myth, 'How Maui slowed the Sun'.  Below is the video clip with subtitles.  These will often be used so students can read the text in time with the narration.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A great day at HNI athletics

The Nepia year 8 girls show everyone how to win a tug-of-war competition.  Overall we had an enjoyable day with success across the board.  Here are the boys enjoying some downtime.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

This is Izzac's pepeha. It has been translated from English to Maori using Google Translate.

Izzac- My name is a biblical name, it also stands for laughter.

Sea\river - The beach that really reminds me of home is the one in Coromandel because we go up there every year for a family holiday and I love going up and down the beach finding awesome shells and rocks/crystals.

Mountain- My mountain is the kaweka’s (forest) because I used to live pretty close to them and we go hunting there all the time. There are also natural hot springs up there. I remember sitting there at night looking out to the Mohaka and watching the shooting stars go pass.

Waka- My family has lived in New Zealand for many generations.


Izzac- Ko te ingoa te Bibilia Izzac toku ingoa, tu hoki i te reira no te kata.

Sea \ awa- Ko te tātahi e tino fakamanatu ki ahau o te whare ko te kotahi i roto i Moehau no te mea e haere tatou i runga i reira nga tau mo te hararei whānau me te aroha e ahau e haere ana, ka heke iho i te one te rapu anga whakamataku me toka / tioata.

Mountain- toku maunga ko o te kaeaea (ngahere) no te mea e whakamahia ana e ahau ki te ora tata tino ki a ratou, ka haere tatou i whaia i reira i te wa katoa. I reira he ano hoki etahi puna wera taiao ake ki reira mahara ahau e noho ana i reira i te po titiro i roto ki te Mohaka me te te mātakitaki i te whetu shooting haere haere.

Waka- Kua ora ai a Wakataku whānau i roto i Aotearoa mō ngā whakatupuranga maha.

James's Electronics Technology circuit.

For Electronic technology we are making small 
compact circuit to use as a burglar alarm or an 
alarm clock. Today we finished measuring and 
cutting the copper tape, so now we can stick it 
on following the instructions within our booklet. 
After we finished, our Electronics teacher 
Mrs Houghton told us to solder our first wire. 
Then roup HH connected the wire to our plastic 
switch that we had poked through a hole in the 
left side of box part. After the lesson I had my 
switch connected to my wire and my copper tape 
stuck on.

We have been learning about the various types of 'average' there are in Statistics.

Hers's Mr C helping the class understand the three types of average- the mean, the mode and the median. He looks like he's having a good time and obviously believes Maths should be fun!